Sunday, January 2, 2011

Somewhat Cold and Snowy

Todd's SCTIMES Outlook for St. Cloud and all of central Minnesota
MONDAY: Scattered flurries and light snow, coating to an inch possible. High: 17
MONDAY NIGHT: A few flurries ending early, then some clearing. Low: -1

TUESDAY: Mix of clouds and sun, colder. High: 7

WEDNESDAY: Clouds move in, a few more scattered flurries. High: 14

THURSDAY: Light snow, gusty winds, 1-2" possible. High: 10

FRIDAY: Lingering light snow, turning colder - intervals of sun. High: 6

SATURDAY: A little more sun late, light winds, feels like January. High: 12
SUNDAY: Mix of clouds and sun, nothing rough. Still cold. High: 14 

Polar Vortex Keeps Us Somewhat Cold and Snowy

Welcome to January... This is more like it, isn't it? The unusual rain that we had late last week has left quite a few things still a bit icy, crunchy and the snowpack a little ugly. Unfortunately, the snow around town isn't as fluffy as it used to be, but we may get a couple of chances this week to freshen up that snow just a little. A Polar Vortex over the Hudson Bay is going to keep our cold air around and send weak impulses hurling south of Canada with light snow chances every other day or so. Light snow chances will be with us today with only a light dusting and at most an inch. Our next best chance of an inch or two of snow will slide in mid-week, nothing rough and no big snowstorms.

A Little Light Snow This Week
Again, no big snowstorms are in the forecast this first full week of 2011, but a couple a very weak systems coupled with chilly temperatures may be just enough to fluff up a couple, maybe even a few inches of very light snow this week. The image below shows the 'potential' snow accumulation through early Friday morning. There are two main impulses we'll be watching for light snow. The first will come through Monday and another Wednesday into Thursday. With temperatures as cold as they are and with any residual moisture left behind from any of these systems, we may be able to squeeze out a few flurries in between systems - nothing rough.

Picture From a Friend
The picture below is from a good friend of mine, Rich Koivisto, who travels south for the winter. He and his wife Bette live in Duluth, MN during the summer and travel to Arizona for the winter to get away from the snow. However, last weeks storm that brought very heavy snow to the west coast was also responsible for some light snow in the desert southwest. To Richs' surprise, he woke up to a little light snow in the desert late last week!

That's all for now, thanks for checking in and have a good week - Todd Nelson

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